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Advanced JavaScript Topics
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14h 50m

Dive into Advanced JavaScript Topics: Master intricate concepts and elevate your coding prowess. Enroll for expert insights.

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14h 50m


I have had 20+ years experience in training and product development. I am currently the President and Lead Trainer of All Things JavaScript.

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About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Individuals seeking to enhance their proficiency in JavaScript

What you’ll learn: 

  • Implement first-class and higher-order functions in your coding practices.
  • Provide explanations for various scenarios influencing ‘this’ value.
  • Identify the object to which ‘this’ is bound and manipulate its binding for problem-solving.
  • Utilize prototypes effectively in your coding.
  • Master the use of Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs) in your code.
  • Define closures and leverage their advantages within your code.
  • Apply the namespace and module pattern to enhance your coding projects.
  • Create and handle JSON files seamlessly.
  • Load and integrate JSON data within your projects.
  • Skillfully manage properties on JavaScript objects.
  • Implement Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles into your JavaScript coding methodologies.
  • Employ constructors and Object create for object and prototype configuration.
  • Gain a deep understanding of JavaScript’s inheritance nature.
  • Explain the concepts of functional programming.
  • Apply functional programming techniques proficiently to enhance your JavaScript projects.


  • This course is designed for advanced learners in JavaScript. Prior completion of the introductory course Learn Modern JavaScript or a strong grasp of JavaScript fundamentals is recommended

This Advanced JavaScript Topics Course is designed for individuals who have gained experience with JavaScript and now possess a deeper understanding of the language. This course delves into the intricate nuances and essential patterns that proficient JavaScript developers employ.

In this program, we delve into advanced JavaScript techniques, covering topics such as advanced concepts related to objects and functions, ‘this’ value intricacies, the potent capabilities of functions utilizing closure and Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs). You’ll also explore the intricacies of the namespace and module patterns, delve into JSON, and learn how to load JSON files. As you progress through the course, you’ll apply Object-Oriented Programming principles to a practical project, gaining a strong grasp of prototypes. These are just some of the key areas of focus in this advanced course.

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have learned the nuances and important patterns advanced JavaScript developers know and use.

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Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Introduction
Course Introduction 00:00:00
Where Will You Go With Javascript? 00:00:00
Tools You Will Need For This Course 00:00:00
A Word About The Exercise Files 00:00:00
Downloadable Materials 00:00:00
Section 2 - Think Like A Programmer: Libraries And Frameworks
Think Like A Programmer: Libraries And Frameworks 00:00:00
Section 3 - Advanced Concepts For Objects And Functions
Advanced Concepts For Functions And Objects 00:00:00
Functions Are Objects 00:00:00
First Class Functions 00:00:00
Invoking Functions 00:00:00
Creating Javascript Objects 00:00:00
Understanding This 00:00:00
Examining This With Normal Function Invocation 00:00:00
Normal Function Invocation Using Strict Mode 00:00:00
Examining This With Method Invocation 00:00:00
Understanding Prototypes 00:00:00
Understanding The Prototype Of Functions 00:00:00
Using Call And Apply Function Methods 00:00:00
Using The Bind Function Method 00:00:00
Invoking Functions As Constructors: The Magic Of New 00:00:00
Constructor Invocation And The Value Of This 00:00:00
Higher Order Functions, Callbacks And The Problem With This 00:00:00
Arrow Functions 00:00:00
Review: Invoking Function And This 00:00:00
Quiz 1: Section Quiz 00:00:00
Section 4 - Think Like A Programmer: Dry Coding
Abstraction And Dry Coding 00:00:00
Abstraction And Dry Coding: Exercise 1 00:00:00
Section 5 - Working With Objects
Working With Objects Introduction 00:00:00
Detecting Properties On Objects 00:00:00
Changing Property Attributes 00:00:00
Assignment 1: Exercise 2 – Working With Objects 00:00:00
Making Objects Immutable 00:00:00
Es6 Object Features 00:00:00
Understanding Method Chaining 00:00:00
Quiz 2: Section Quiz 00:00:00
Section 6 - The Power Of Functions
The Power Of Functions Introduction 00:00:00
Immediately Invoked Function Expressions – IIFEs 00:00:00
Assignment 2: Exercise 3: Immediately Invoked Function Expressions 00:00:00
Understanding Closure 00:00:00
Section 7 - Think Like A Programmer: Avoiding Globals
Avoiding Global Variables 00:00:00
Using The Namespace Pattern 00:00:00
Section 8 - The Power Of Functions Continued
Assignment 3: Closure – Exercise 4 00:00:00
Assignment 4: Namespace Pattern Exercise 00:00:00
Section 9 - Think Like A Programmer: The Module Pattern
The Module Pattern Part 1 00:00:00
Optional: Overview Of Fill-In-Question Code 00:00:00
The Module Pattern: Part 2 00:00:00
The Module Pattern: Part 3 00:00:00
The Module Pattern: Part 4 00:00:00
Assignment 5: Module Pattern Exercise 6 00:00:00
Assignment 6: Module Pattern Exercise 7 00:00:00
Section 10 - Working With Data: Javascript Objects And Json
Introduction To Working With Data 00:00:00
Json Basics 00:00:00
Creating A Json File 00:00:00
Loading A Json File Using Xmlhttprequest 00:00:00
Setting Up A Local Server Using Node 00:00:00
Assignment 7: Json Data Exercise 8 00:00:00
Section 11 - Think Like A Programmer: Approaches To Programming
Approaches To Programming 00:00:00
Section 12 - Object Oriented Programming In Javascript
Introduction To Object Oriented Programming 00:00:00
OOP Theory 00:00:00
Review: Setting The Prototype 00:00:00
The Constructor Property 00:00:00
Project: Applying OOP Part 1 00:00:00
Project: Applying OOP Part 2 00:00:00
Project: Applying OOP Part 3 00:00:00
Project: Applying OOP Part 4 00:00:00
Project: Applying OOP Part 5 00:00:00
Project: Applying OOP Part 6 00:00:00
Project: Applying OOP Part 7 00:00:00
Project: Applying OOP Part 8 00:00:00
Project: Applying OOP Part 9 00:00:00
Project: Applying OOP Part 10 – Getters And Setters 00:00:00
Project: Applying OOP Part 11 – Wrap Up 00:00:00
Enumerating Objects With The For In Loop 00:00:00
Private Data In Constructors 00:00:00
Creating Safe Constructors 00:00:00
Can I Modify The Built-in Prototypes? 00:00:00
What About Es6 Classes? 00:00:00
Section 13 - Think Like A Programmer: Starting A Project
Starting A Project 00:00:00
Section 14 - Congratulations
Congratulations 00:00:00
Section 15 - Bonus Section: Functional Programming Concepts In Javascript
Functional Programming Introduction 00:00:00
Avoiding Side Effects And Using Pure Functions 00:00:00
Avoiding Shared State 00:00:00
Avoiding Mutable Data 00:00:00
Function Composition Part 1 00:00:00
Function Composition Part 2 00:00:00
Imperative Programming Vs Declarative Programming 00:00:00
Functional Programming Example 00:00:00
Functional Programming Techniques 00:00:00
Using Reduce, Map And Filter 00:00:00
Assignment 8: Using Reduce Map And Filter Exercise 00:00:00
Assignment Or Exercise Follow Up 00:00:00
Getting Your Feet Wet With Currying 00:00:00
Understanding Recursion 00:00:00
Functional Libraries For Javascript 00:00:00

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