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JavaScript Mastery From Basics To Advanced

Achieve JavaScript mastery! Build dynamic web apps and games. Beginner-friendly course. Enroll now! Read more.

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Time Estimate
3h 41m

About This Course

javascript masteryWho this course is for:

  • Beginners with no prior programming experience eager to embark on their web development journey with JavaScript mastery.
  • Web developers looking to solidify their JavaScript foundation and explore its full potential.
  • Programmers from other languages who want to learn how JavaScript builds dynamic web applications and games.

What you’ll learn: 

  • Solid JavaScript Fundamentals: Gain a deep understanding of variables, data types, operators, and how to write basic JavaScript code.
  • Control Flow Mastery: Create effective conditional statements, handle logical conditions, and confidently use control flow mechanisms like the ternary operator and switch statements.
  • Advanced Concepts Demystified: Grasp concepts like type coercion and functions in JavaScript, including function expressions and arrow functions.
  • Data Structures Power: Become proficient in working with arrays and objects, utilizing various array methods and creating custom objects with methods.
  • Looping Expertise: Efficiently use different loop types like for, while, do-while, forEach, for…in, and for…of loops.
  • DOM Manipulation Prowess: Interact with the DOM, confidently select and manipulate web elements, and add event listeners to create dynamic interactions.
  • Advanced JavaScript Exploration: Gain expertise in advanced topics like object-oriented programming with classes, self-executing functions, prototypes, method chaining, private properties, and inheritance, solidifying your JavaScript mastery.


  • No prior programming experience is required.

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of JavaScript and achieve JavaScript mastery?

Welcome to JavaScript Mastery From Basics To Advanced, your comprehensive guide to becoming a confident JavaScript developer.

JavaScript is the backbone of web development, and mastering it opens doors to endless possibilities. This bootcamp is meticulously designed to take you through every aspect of JavaScript, starting with the fundamentals and progressing to advanced topics that will empower you to build robust web applications and games.


Solid Foundations: Begin with a rock-solid understanding of JavaScript fundamentals, including variables, data types, and operators.

Conditional Logic: Explore the power of decision-making with conditionals, loops, and switch statements.

Advanced Concepts: Dive deep into advanced JavaScript concepts like closures, prototypal inheritance, and the event loop.

DOM Manipulation: Master DOM manipulation and learn how to create dynamic, interactive web pages.

Modern JavaScript: Stay current with the latest JavaScript features, including ES6 and beyond.


Master new skills and achieve your dreams. Browse my course catalogue today.

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have learned to write JavaScript code, use advanced concepts, and create dynamic web applications, achieving true JavaScript mastery.

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Don’t miss this opportunity to become a JavaScript master. Enroll now in the JavaScript Mastery Bootcamp and unlock your full web development potential.

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Introduction
What You Will Learn In This Course? 00:00:00
Additional Resources 00:00:00
Section 2 - JavaScript Basics
Hello World Javascript 00:00:00
Javascript Engines 00:00:00
Variables And Data Types 00:00:00
Operators 00:00:00
Typeof And Operators Precedence 00:00:00
Section 3 - Conditional Statements
If Else Statement 00:00:00
Conditional Statement Example 1 00:00:00
Conditional Statement Example 2 00:00:00
Ternary Operator 00:00:00
Switch Case Statement 00:00:00
Section 4 - Advance Concepts
Coercion And Falsy Values 00:00:00
Basic Of Functions 00:00:00
Function As A Variable 00:00:00
Section 5 - Working With Data Structures
Introduction To Arrays 00:00:00
Fill And Filter Methods In Array 00:00:00
Slice And Splice Methods 00:00:00
Objects 00:00:00
Methods In Objects 00:00:00
Section 6 - Loops And Iterations
For Loop 00:00:00
While Loop 00:00:00
Do While Loop 00:00:00
Foreach Loop 00:00:00
For Of Loop 00:00:00
For In Loop 00:00:00
Section 7 - DOM Manipulation
What Is Dom 00:00:00
Grab HTML Elements 00:00:00
Change HTML Elements 00:00:00
Get Computed Properties 00:00:00
Dom Events 00:00:00
Section 8 - Modern Features
Creating Object 00:00:00
Prototype 00:00:00
Better Code 00:00:00
Self Executing Anonymous Function 00:00:00
Template Literals 00:00:00
Maps 00:00:00
De-Structuring Data 00:00:00
Section 9 - Advance Topics
Class And Export Module 00:00:00
Getter And Setter 00:00:00
Inheritance 00:00:00

About This Course

javascript masteryWho this course is for:

  • Beginners with no prior programming experience eager to embark on their web development journey with JavaScript mastery.
  • Web developers looking to solidify their JavaScript foundation and explore its full potential.
  • Programmers from other languages who want to learn how JavaScript builds dynamic web applications and games.

What you’ll learn: 

  • Solid JavaScript Fundamentals: Gain a deep understanding of variables, data types, operators, and how to write basic JavaScript code.
  • Control Flow Mastery: Create effective conditional statements, handle logical conditions, and confidently use control flow mechanisms like the ternary operator and switch statements.
  • Advanced Concepts Demystified: Grasp concepts like type coercion and functions in JavaScript, including function expressions and arrow functions.
  • Data Structures Power: Become proficient in working with arrays and objects, utilizing various array methods and creating custom objects with methods.
  • Looping Expertise: Efficiently use different loop types like for, while, do-while, forEach, for…in, and for…of loops.
  • DOM Manipulation Prowess: Interact with the DOM, confidently select and manipulate web elements, and add event listeners to create dynamic interactions.
  • Advanced JavaScript Exploration: Gain expertise in advanced topics like object-oriented programming with classes, self-executing functions, prototypes, method chaining, private properties, and inheritance, solidifying your JavaScript mastery.


  • No prior programming experience is required.

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of JavaScript and achieve JavaScript mastery?

Welcome to JavaScript Mastery From Basics To Advanced, your comprehensive guide to becoming a confident JavaScript developer.

JavaScript is the backbone of web development, and mastering it opens doors to endless possibilities. This bootcamp is meticulously designed to take you through every aspect of JavaScript, starting with the fundamentals and progressing to advanced topics that will empower you to build robust web applications and games.


Solid Foundations: Begin with a rock-solid understanding of JavaScript fundamentals, including variables, data types, and operators.

Conditional Logic: Explore the power of decision-making with conditionals, loops, and switch statements.

Advanced Concepts: Dive deep into advanced JavaScript concepts like closures, prototypal inheritance, and the event loop.

DOM Manipulation: Master DOM manipulation and learn how to create dynamic, interactive web pages.

Modern JavaScript: Stay current with the latest JavaScript features, including ES6 and beyond.


Master new skills and achieve your dreams. Browse my course catalogue today.

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have learned to write JavaScript code, use advanced concepts, and create dynamic web applications, achieving true JavaScript mastery.

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Don’t miss this opportunity to become a JavaScript master. Enroll now in the JavaScript Mastery Bootcamp and unlock your full web development potential.

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Introduction
What You Will Learn In This Course? 00:00:00
Additional Resources 00:00:00
Section 2 - JavaScript Basics
Hello World Javascript 00:00:00
Javascript Engines 00:00:00
Variables And Data Types 00:00:00
Operators 00:00:00
Typeof And Operators Precedence 00:00:00
Section 3 - Conditional Statements
If Else Statement 00:00:00
Conditional Statement Example 1 00:00:00
Conditional Statement Example 2 00:00:00
Ternary Operator 00:00:00
Switch Case Statement 00:00:00
Section 4 - Advance Concepts
Coercion And Falsy Values 00:00:00
Basic Of Functions 00:00:00
Function As A Variable 00:00:00
Section 5 - Working With Data Structures
Introduction To Arrays 00:00:00
Fill And Filter Methods In Array 00:00:00
Slice And Splice Methods 00:00:00
Objects 00:00:00
Methods In Objects 00:00:00
Section 6 - Loops And Iterations
For Loop 00:00:00
While Loop 00:00:00
Do While Loop 00:00:00
Foreach Loop 00:00:00
For Of Loop 00:00:00
For In Loop 00:00:00
Section 7 - DOM Manipulation
What Is Dom 00:00:00
Grab HTML Elements 00:00:00
Change HTML Elements 00:00:00
Get Computed Properties 00:00:00
Dom Events 00:00:00
Section 8 - Modern Features
Creating Object 00:00:00
Prototype 00:00:00
Better Code 00:00:00
Self Executing Anonymous Function 00:00:00
Template Literals 00:00:00
Maps 00:00:00
De-Structuring Data 00:00:00
Section 9 - Advance Topics
Class And Export Module 00:00:00
Getter And Setter 00:00:00
Inheritance 00:00:00

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