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Master The Fundamentals Of SQL With Python

This course is designed for those interested to learn about the fundamentals of SQL using Python. Read more.

5.0( 3 REVIEWS )
1h 22m
Course Skill Level
Time Estimate
1h 22m

Professional Data Scientist and trained Physicists with a passion for teaching

About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn about database
  • Anyone who wants to integrate databases into their code
  • Anyone who wants to learn about SQL databases

What you’ll learn: 

  • Understand SQL databases
  • Integrating database interaction into your code
  • Be able to dynamically add and extract data from your database


  • You should be comfortable with the fundamentals of python

Python is one of the most friendly and popular programming languages. It finds applications everywhere, ranging from research, over to industry as well as things like the entertainment industry. Programming in general allows for you to greatly reduce workload as well as solve problems that would be impossible to solve by hand, or create great, new and fun applications/software.

A big part of the new digital world is that everything is producing data, and storing as well as using data are becoming emerging and very important industry fields. The ability to combine data usage with programming allows for rapid development and automation and is extremely superior when compared to systems that need manual input or data handling.

SQL is the language that you can use to interact with one major database type (SQL databases), one that is very wide-spread in today’s world. Knowing SQL will give you a nice ability and understanding of how to handle data and databases and being able to integrate it into Python code enables you to create great, dynamic, and automatic systems that combine the power of programming and data.

This course will be using SQLite in Python, which allows us to execute SQL commands through Python and will allow you to create, connect, use and manage local SQL-based databases. 

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have learned about the fundamentals of SQL with Python. 

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today and learn more about the fundamentals of SQL with Python.

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Database Setup
Course Structure And Outline 00:00:00
Introduction 00:00:00
Creating And Connecting To A Database 00:00:00
Navigating A Database 00:00:00
Section 2 - Managing Data
Creating And Removing Tables 00:00:00
Inserting Data 00:00:00
Getting Data 00:00:00
Conditional Searching Of Data 00:00:00
Updating And Deleting Data 00:00:00

About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn about database
  • Anyone who wants to integrate databases into their code
  • Anyone who wants to learn about SQL databases

What you’ll learn: 

  • Understand SQL databases
  • Integrating database interaction into your code
  • Be able to dynamically add and extract data from your database


  • You should be comfortable with the fundamentals of python

Python is one of the most friendly and popular programming languages. It finds applications everywhere, ranging from research, over to industry as well as things like the entertainment industry. Programming in general allows for you to greatly reduce workload as well as solve problems that would be impossible to solve by hand, or create great, new and fun applications/software.

A big part of the new digital world is that everything is producing data, and storing as well as using data are becoming emerging and very important industry fields. The ability to combine data usage with programming allows for rapid development and automation and is extremely superior when compared to systems that need manual input or data handling.

SQL is the language that you can use to interact with one major database type (SQL databases), one that is very wide-spread in today’s world. Knowing SQL will give you a nice ability and understanding of how to handle data and databases and being able to integrate it into Python code enables you to create great, dynamic, and automatic systems that combine the power of programming and data.

This course will be using SQLite in Python, which allows us to execute SQL commands through Python and will allow you to create, connect, use and manage local SQL-based databases. 

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have learned about the fundamentals of SQL with Python. 

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today and learn more about the fundamentals of SQL with Python.

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Database Setup
Course Structure And Outline 00:00:00
Introduction 00:00:00
Creating And Connecting To A Database 00:00:00
Navigating A Database 00:00:00
Section 2 - Managing Data
Creating And Removing Tables 00:00:00
Inserting Data 00:00:00
Getting Data 00:00:00
Conditional Searching Of Data 00:00:00
Updating And Deleting Data 00:00:00

Course Review


3 Ratings
  1. Anonymous

    Very Good Course


    The course is excellent. The instructor is easy to follow and focuses on the topic being covered.

  2. Anonymous

    A Great Introduction To SQL


    This course was a fast and easy way to get familiar with SQL. It also gave me great insight into a different use of Python Programming (outside of robotics).

    Max goes through the material clearly. It is easy to understand him and the course did not take long to complete.

  3. Anonymous

    Excellent Tutorial


    If you want a quick tutorial of SQL including bootup of the environment, this course is perfect for you. Max goes through the curriculum quickly and is easy to understand if you have a fundamental background in any programming language.

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