LIBBY SEERY - Founder of Renaissance Life Therapies Online Counseling and Psychotherapy: Specialist in the Therapeutic Use of Technology (BACP Endorsed). I am a Psychotherapist, Counselor, and Therapeutic Life Coach. I run a very successful practice in Harley Street, London, which is recognized all over the world as a center of medical excellence. I am a highly trained specialist with a wealth of experience, working with people from all walks of life; including referrals from charities, I'm involved in, to very high profile clients from all over the world. I am also the founder of Renaissance Life Therapies Training Academy, offering a number of courses in counseling, CBT, and life coaching. As well as my client work, I have had a number of works published and have appeared on TV and radio. I also write and lecture on my subject, as well as training other doctors and counselors in specialist areas of counselors.