Marcel is an enthusiastic fast learner. He likes to learn everything that makes him happy, even if that involves complicated matters. He is a strong believer that complex things can be simplified into simple matters. After +15 years of experience in continuous fast learning, he holds a bachelor in telecommunications engineering in UPC, Barcelona, as well as a masters in computer vision. A MRes in Medical Imaging at UCL, in London and a PhD also by UCL in medical imaging helping to treat fetal illnesses such as Twin to Twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). Currently, he is Community Lead in the The 10million . AI project which aims to teach Artificial Intelligence to 10000 people. He is also a life coach, and founder of Inspiring Personal Growth where he aims to help people by providing them coaching services as well as mentoring in learning skills. He is also a taekwondo black belt training for more than 10 years, chess player since the age of 13 years old, drummer since the age of 16 years old, and dancer for 2 years and a half. He likes to take on different learning activities that present a challenge and stimulate him intellectually and physically.