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What Will You Remember?

Posted on June 4, 2017

by SkillSuccess

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What Will Be Your Best Memories?

You might need a tissue or two for this one.

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[Transcription of Video]

Hey guys, welcome back.

Today’s going to be arguably morbid for you. But bear with me!

I want to ask what you will remember on your death bed from your life. What are you going to think I am so glad I spent my time on that, I am so glad that I learnt that. I am so glad I pursued that hobby?

I am going to go out on a limb and say that it is not, “I am so glad I learnt calculus or long division”. It is much more likely going to be based on a kind of lifestyle or hobby or fun skills.

So perhaps that you’re really glad that you could play piano with your family at Christmas and that comes all the way back to that day when you started taking a piano course with us.

Or maybe you’re so glad that you pursued your creativity through art and you even got to have your own gallery display once or sell your art for charity. And that comes all the way back to when you first took that course on watercolor and it’s really important that you try to think of what is going to stay with you forever and what is going to unlock these amazing meaningful life opportunities for you.

Now really all life experiences actually root back to learning.

So one of my happiest memories of entire life is dancing in the closing ceremony of the London Olympics, they were just recruiting dancers in London and I went along. We got to be in the stadium on international television with fireworks and all these celebrities. It was the most moving incredible experience ever. And I am so glad that I did it. And the reason that I was able to do that is because since I was five years old my mom was taking me along to ballet classes and when I decided I did not like ballet anymore because it was too formal. I took it upon myself to go to hip-hop classes and then I became a dance teacher and maintained it as a hobby throughout my adult life. And looking back at those ballet classes it totally changed my life and I got to have this unbelievable life changing experience.

So I would really encourage you to try to think about what you would like to learn and try and backtrack into what you could do today to make those things a reality.

Of course today if you have never picked up a guitar you probably can’t try to join a band and tour all around America on a road trip but what you can do is start learning your course, start learning to read music and taking those first steps. Then who knows where it might lead.

So today I want you guys to think about what you are going to remember in those very few last days. It is going to be family time. It’s going to be hobbies. It’s going to be bucket list life achievements. If you don’t already have a bucket list, I suggest you write one and then I suggest you work backwards about which course could enable you to do that.

So that is going to be it for today. My next video will be about how to choose what course to learn and it will link into this very nicely.

I will see you in that one, bye!


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