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Habits Of High Achievers: 7-Step Plan For Winning In Life

Uncover the secrets to success with insights into the habits of high achievers. Learn the 7-step plan for winning in life! Read more.

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When it comes to online marketing and selling, I believe you have found the right mentor in me. Most people like the lively and encouraging teaching style that I convey as well as how I get right to the point and walk you, step-by-step through proven, real-world, proven strategies. Here's a little background on my experiences, so you can get a sense of who will be teaching & mentoring you: A lifelong entrepreneur, I've been marketing online since 1999, and have owned over 30 websi

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About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone interested in learning how to become successful through 7 habits of achievers

What you’ll learn:

  • 7 habits for success


  • No prior knowledge is necessary for this course.

If you want to discover a proven, 7-step formula for success, then this is the course for you.

As a 30-year student of success, I have invested tens of thousands of dollars in seminars, webinars, eBooks, training and courses to discover these proven strategies and habits for my own life.

These are the same exact habits that I’ve learned and implemented, and have been fortunate to see which strategies work and which don’t. These habits have been proven in the real world.

As a result of this practical, 30-year study into what it takes to be successful, I have determined that success really boils down to 2 main elements…

  • Your Attitude/Mindset (your “Inner Game”) and
  • Your Action/Activity (your “Outer Game”)

Unfortunately, so often, we invest a lot of our time in learning strategies and technique, but then we fail to support those strategies by having the correct mindset, attitudes and expectations, so we still lose.

The strategies may be great and may actually work, but when you try them without having the right mindset for success, you won’t take them (or yourself) to their fullest potential.

Many people believe that knowledge is power. But that isn’t entirely accurate.

Knowledge by itself isn’t power. In this course I am going to show you this critical success formula:

Knowledge + __________ + _______ _____ = POWER

In this course, you are going to discover:

  • What is the formula for mastery?
  • What is the Number 1 driver of success? (when you read deep into the stories of most successful people, you will find this key factor)
  • The types of goals that work best for me and why you should consider these for your business
  • Good habits examples, one of the best success habits I’ve discovered
  • How I use these 7 Habits daily in my own business – this is an unprecedented look inside the inner workings of my business thought processes!
  • And much more!

If you enjoyed this lesson, don’t forget to check out my other courses available on My Profile here on Skill Success!

Our Promise to You

By the course’s end, you’ll grasp the 7 habits of high achievers and how to implement them.

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you’re unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us for a full refund, no questions asked.

Start now and explore the 7 habits of high achievers, discovering examples of good habits and unlocking the formula for success!

Course Curriculum

Section 1: Habit #1 - How To Align With Your Passion
Habit#1 - Align With Your Passion 00:00:00
Passion = Rocket Fuel 00:00:00
Habit #1 - Assignment 00:00:00
Section 2: Habit #2 - How To Become An Expert
The 10,000 Hour Study 00:00:00
The Mindset Secret I Learned From Skateboarding 00:00:00
Is Knowledge Power? 00:00:00
Habit #2 - Assignment 00:00:00
Section 3: Habit #3 - How To Develop A Winning Gameplan
Goals 00:00:00
The Importance Of Micro-Goals 00:00:00
Thinking On Paper 00:00:00
Direct Connection To Your Subconscious Mind 00:00:00
Creating Your Goals And Success Video 00:00:00
Habit #3 - Assignment 00:00:00
Section 4: Habit #4 - How To Develop A Positive Reference Group
Habit #4 - How To Develop A Positive Reference Group 00:00:00
Habit #4 - Assignment 00:00:00
Section 5: Habit #5 - How To Develop The Power Of Focus
The Power Of Focus 00:00:00
Focus = Power 00:00:00
Habit #5 - Assignment 00:00:00
Section 6: Habit #6 - How To Create A Massive Action Burst
The Power Of The Massive Action Burst 00:00:00
Habit #6 - Assignment 00:00:00
Section 7: Habit #7 - Getting Hyper-Explosive Results Through Building A Team
Habit #7 - Getting Hyper-Explosive Results Through Building A Team 00:00:00
Building A Positive Momentum 00:00:00
Outsourcing A Team 00:00:00
Habit #7 - Assignment 00:00:00
Section 8: 7 Habits Of High Achievers - Conclusion
Conclusion 00:00:00
Section 9: BONUS - 7 Habits Of High Achievers - Audio
7 Habits Audio 00:00:00
Section 10: BONUS - 7 Habits Of High Achievers - Action Guide
7 Habits Of High Achievers - Action Guide 00:00:00