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Achieve Lasting Results With Goal Setting
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1h 40m

This course is designed for those interested to learn the basics of goal setting to achieve lasting results and create the right mindset to start the transformative process.

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Course Skill Level
Time Estimate
1h 40m


Stuart Ross is the founder of High Growth. He works with the businesses and people to realise their potential.

About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone wanting to define and achieve goals

What you’ll learn: 

  • A carefully structured coaching and therapy based process will allow you to set goals for all the crucial areas of your life
  • Learn two proven processes to setting effective goals dependent on time available
  • Through hypnotherapy, removal of unconscious blocks that have held you back achieving goals
  • How to stay on track to deliver your goals
  • At the deepest, causal, subconscious level, you will find out why ALL your previous attempts at sticking at and achieving your goals have not succeeded long-term
  • How to implement and embrace the change you need to achieve your goals, easily and permanently


  • No prior knowledge is required to take this course

Goal setting is a skill. The skill of goal setting is a hundred percent learnable. People and organizations with clear visions, values, and plans accomplish far more and do it faster than their competitors. Before today, all of your best intentions and best efforts in setting and achieving goals may have failed. Repeatedly. Year after year after year. Leaving you frustrated with the process. Possibly feeling like a failure and that is your fault. The truth is, up until now, your best efforts have been undermined by, well, your mind.

What stops you from having the life, business success and rewards you desire? How do you feel when you hear the words: Goal Setting? You know that goals work. You wouldn’t be here if you were not searching for an easier, more effective way of creating, sticking to and achieving goals would you? You already know that you can change your life instantly, no matter what you want in life. Yet setting goals is more than just a yearly process. The first step is simply to decide, commit, set a goal. If you read any autobiography of a great achiever you know this to be true.

Starting with your introductory Rapid Transformational Therapy recording ‘Open your mind for goal setting success’, you will create the right mindset and start the transformative process to move you through the course and absorb effortlessly and permanently the coaching advice. Your coaches Stuart Ross and Rosalyn Palmer bring three decades of proven business, coaching and therapy skills together. Stuart’s tried and tested High Growth Coaching strategies that have made millions for some of the entrepreneurial individuals and companies in the world, whilst Rosalyn’s unique mix of Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychology and NLP have enhanced and elevated top performers in all fields to new levels. No other goal setting course fuses this practical, psychological and proven expertise. Many are good in theory, some are good in practice, but none offer this incredibly powerful mix. 

Learning the importance of goals setting you will become clear on not just how to goal-set but to create goals that inspire you, that fill you with the drive and ambition and excitement to be achieved as you will tap into your reason why.

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have learned how to achieve lasting results with goal setting.

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today and learn more about goal setting to achieve lasting results.

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Introduction
An Overview Of the Goal Setting Course 00:00:00
Explaining Hypnotherapy 00:00:00
Tips Before You Get Started 00:00:00
Section 2 - Why Set Goals
The Importance Of Goal Setting 00:00:00
Section 3 - Getting Ready To Set Your Goals
How To Set Great Goals 00:00:00
Hypnotherapy 1: Get In The Right State To Set Your Goals 00:00:00
Section 4 - Goal Setting Processes
Reflective Goal Setting 00:00:00
Rapid Goals Setting Process 00:00:00
Goal Setting Checklist 00:00:00
Creating A Plan 00:00:00
Hypnotherapy 2: Setting Your Goals 00:00:00
Section 5 - How To Achieve Your Goals
Getting Started 00:00:00
Staying On Track 00:00:00

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