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The Complete Java And Android Studio Course For Beginners

This course is designed for those interested in learning about how to code using Java on Android Studio. Read more.

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Time Estimate
27h 29m

John Bura has been programming games since 1997 and teaching since 2002. John is the owner of the game development studio Mammoth Interactive. This company produces XBOX 360, iPhone, iPad, Android, HTML 5, ad-games and more. Mammoth Interactive recently sold a game to Nickelodeon! John has been contracted by many different companies to provide game design, audio, programming, level design and project management. To this day, John has 40 commercial games that he has contributed to. Sev

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About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Android users
  • App developers
  • UI/UX designers

What you’ll learn: 

  • Learn how to use Android Studio
  • Discover a new skill to enhance your current career
  • Hone your employable skills


  • No prior knowledge is required to take this course 

Software version used in the course:

  • Android Studio

Learn how to use Android Studio with this amazing course!

This course is project-based so you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course, you will have real-world apps to use in your portfolio. We feel that project-based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately.

John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real-world examples.

Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have a clear understanding of how to code using Java in Android Studio.

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today and learn how to code using Java in Android Studio!

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Variables
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Integer Variables 00:00:00
03. Decimal Number Variables 00:00:00
04. Constants And Division Examples 00:00:00
05. String Variables 00:00:00
06. Convert Strings To Numbers And Formatting 00:00:00
07. Boolean Variables 00:00:00
Section 2 - If Statements
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Setup Condition 00:00:00
03. If Else 00:00:00
04. Nested If Statements 00:00:00
05. Nested If Else And Chain Of Else If 00:00:00
06. And Or Logical Operators 00:00:00
07. Negation Logical Operators 00:00:00
08. Parity Check Condition 00:00:00
Section 3 - Arrays
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Declare And Initialize Integer Arrays 00:00:00
03. For Travers And Sort Integer Arrays 00:00:00
04. Declare And Initialize Decimal Number Arrays 00:00:00
05. For Each Traverse And Sort Decimal Number Arrays 00:00:00
06. Declare And Initialize Character Arrays 00:00:00
07. Traverse And Sort Character Arrays 00:00:00
08. Declare And Initialize String Arrays 00:00:00
09. Split String Into Arrays, Traverse And Insensitive Case Sort 00:00:00
10. Traverse And Sort Arrays Of Booleans 00:00:00
Section 4 - Basic Functions
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Basic Workflow 00:00:00
03. Methods That Return Voids 00:00:00
04. Methods That Return Int 00:00:00
05. Methods That Return Floats And Doubles 00:00:00
06. Methods That Return Characters 00:00:00
07. Methods That Return Strings 00:00:00
08. Methods That Return Booleans 00:00:00
Section 5 - Advanced Functions
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Static Methods 00:00:00
03. Access Modifiers 00:00:00
04. Override Methods 00:00:00
05. Final Methods 00:00:00
06. Overloading Methods 00:00:00
07. Methods That Returns Arrays 00:00:00
08. Methods That Take Arrays As Parameters 00:00:00
09. Abstract Methods 00:00:00
Section 6 - Simple Calculator
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Setup Layout 00:00:00
03. Adjust Spaces 00:00:00
04. Customize Edit Texts 00:00:00
05. Customize Buttons 00:00:00
06. Customize Result Text View 00:00:00
07. GUI Adjustments 00:00:00
08. Download Custom Fonts 00:00:00
09. Declare And Initialize Elements 00:00:00
10. Apply Fonts 00:00:00
11. Get Input 00:00:00
12. Compute, Format And Display Results 00:00:00
13. Animate Buttons 00:00:00
Section 7 - Savings Calculator
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Drag And Drop Elements 00:00:00
03. Change Text On Screen 00:00:00
04. Change Element IDs 00:00:00
05. Align Text To Center 00:00:00
06. Change Color Theme 00:00:00
07. Change App Theme 00:00:00
08. Change Font Sizes 00:00:00
09. Define New Color Scheme 00:00:00
10. Reference Color Variables 00:00:00
11. Download New Fonts 00:00:00
12. Create Assets Folder 00:00:00
13. Apply Fonts 00:00:00
14. Setup Seekbar 00:00:00
15. Setup Edit Text 00:00:00
16. Setup Reset Button 00:00:00
17. Fixing Bugs 00:00:00
Section 8 - Tip Calculator
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Drag And Drop Elements 00:00:00
03. Change Text And Element IDs 00:00:00
04. Remove Action Bar 00:00:00
05. Expand Elements 00:00:00
06. Center Elements 00:00:00
07. Adjust Margins 00:00:00
08. Adjust Font Sizes 00:00:00
09. Create Color Scheme 00:00:00
10. Set Background Color And Title 00:00:00
11. Design Edit Text 00:00:00
12. Design Seekbar And Related Views 00:00:00
13. Design Reset Button And Result View 00:00:00
14. Setup Meal Cost 00:00:00
15. Setup Seekbar 00:00:00
16. Setup Reset Button 00:00:00
Section 9 - Star Animation
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Add Image View Inside A New Frame 00:00:00
03. Download Google Design Icons 00:00:00
04. Create Animation List In Drawable XML 00:00:00
05. Reference XML File In Java 00:00:00
06. Toggle Animation Visibility 00:00:00
07. Customize Action Bar 00:00:00
08. Setup Different Color Scheme 00:00:00
09. Setup Custom Fonts 00:00:00
10. Change Default Text On Screen 00:00:00
11. Setup Fade Effect Animation 00:00:00
12. Setup Self Rotate Animation 00:00:00
13. Setup Circle Rotate Animation 00:00:00
14. Set Animations To Loop Indefinitely 00:00:00
15. Adjust Image Size And Vertical Pivot 00:00:00
Section 10 - Simple Score Counter
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Drag And Drop Widgets On Screen 00:00:00
03. Setup Text Displayed And IDs 00:00:00
04. Customize Title 00:00:00
05. Change Color Scheme 00:00:00
06. Reference Color Variables 00:00:00
07. Declare And Reference Dimension Variables 00:00:00
08. Declare And Initialize Variables 00:00:00
09. Setup Count Button Functionality 00:00:00
10. Setup Reset Button Functionality 00:00:00
11. Setup Fade Animation On Count 00:00:00
12. Setup Rotate Animation On Reset 00:00:00
Section 11 - Hangman
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Setup Layout 00:00:00
03. Change Default Text And IDs 00:00:00
05. Setup Space 00:00:00
06. Change Text Size 00:00:00
07. Change Color Scheme 00:00:00
08. Customize Title 00:00:00
09. Design Adjustments 00:00:00
10. Declare Variables 00:00:00
11. Initialize Variables 00:00:00
12. Text File Database 00:00:00
13. Game Functionality 00:00:00
14. Letter Reveal 00:00:00
15. Display Word 00:00:00
16. On Text Changed Listener 00:00:00
17. Check if Letter Typed Functionality 00:00:00
18. Letter Typed Wrong Functionality 00:00:00
19. Tries Left 00:00:00
20. Setup Reset Button 00:00:00
21. Rotate Animation 00:00:00
22. Scale Animation 00:00:00
23. Game Over Animations 00:00:00
Section 12 - Google Maps
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. The API Key 00:00:00
03. Address List And Geocoder 00:00:00
04. Names And Coordinates 00:00:00
05. Set Markers 00:00:00
06. Setup Map Type 00:00:00
07. Setup Camera Change Listener 00:00:00
08. Map Click Marker 00:00:00
09. Custom Marker 00:00:00
10. Marker Color 00:00:00
11. Camera Animation 00:00:00
12. Iteractive Markers 00:00:00
Section 13 - Days Left Wear
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Check For Updates 00:00:00
03. Create Virtual Devices 00:00:00
04. Drag And Drop Elements On Round Screen 00:00:00
05. Change Color Scheme 00:00:00
06. Change IDs And Other Adjustments 00:00:00
07. Declare Variables 00:00:00
08. Initialize Variables 00:00:00
09. Setup Number Picker For Year 00:00:00
10. Setup Number Picker For Month 00:00:00
11. Setup Number Picker For Day 00:00:00
12. Create Display Days Left 00:00:00
13. Testing The App On Two Emulators 00:00:00
Section 14 - Quotes
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Initial Interface Setup 00:00:00
03. XML Dimension Variables 00:00:00
04. Slight Interface Adjustments 00:00:00
05. Creating The Quotes 00:00:00
06. Declare Variables 00:00:00
07. Java Functionalities 00:00:00
08. DisplayNewQuote Method 00:00:00
Section 15 - Map Travel
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Position Elements 00:00:00
03. Clean Up The Display 00:00:00
04. Changed Color Scheme 00:00:00
05. Initializing Variables For Animations 00:00:00
Section 16 - Caffeine Calculator
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Position Elements 00:00:00
03. Customize The GUI 00:00:00
04. Customize Colors 00:00:00
05. Reference Color And Dimension Variables 00:00:00
06. Change Text Displayed And IDs 00:00:00
07. Some Adjustments 00:00:00
08. Set Up The Spinner 00:00:00
09. Set Up The Spinner In Java 00:00:00
10. Variables And The Seekbar 00:00:00
11. Display Caffeine Amount 00:00:00
Section 17 - Canadian Sales Tax Calculator
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Placing Widgets 00:00:00
03. Declare The Dimension Variables 00:00:00
04. Text And Action Bar 00:00:00
05. Change IDs And Text Displayed 00:00:00
06. Change Color Scheme 00:00:00
07. Create Layout For Spinner 00:00:00
08. Java Variables 00:00:00
09. Create Province Enumeration 00:00:00
10. Set Up The Province List 00:00:00
11. Seekbar And Total Cost 00:00:00
Section 18 - Country Info
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Adding The Widgets 00:00:00
03. Customize Title 00:00:00
04. Change IDs 00:00:00
05. Change Color Scheme 00:00:00
06. Create Spinner Layout 00:00:00
07. Create Country Enumeration 00:00:00
08. Language And Details 00:00:00
09. Set Countries On Spinners 00:00:00
Section 19 - Pet Store
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Position The Elements 00:00:00
03. Color And Dimensions 00:00:00
04. Text And Element IDs 00:00:00
05. Action Bar, Text Style And Gravity 00:00:00
06. Appache POI Library 00:00:00
07. Create And Populate Excel File 00:00:00
08. Create The Pet Class 00:00:00
09. Declare And Initialize Variables 00:00:00
10. The Spinner Listener 00:00:00
11. Design The Spinner 00:00:00
12. Input From Excel 00:00:00
13. A Few Adjustments 00:00:00
Section 20 - Highscores
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Position The Elements 00:00:00
03. Dimension And Color Resources 00:00:00
04. Referencing The Variables 00:00:00
05. Action Bar, Text And IDs 00:00:00
06. Style And Alignment 00:00:00
07. Declare And Initialize Variables 00:00:00
08. Write To A File 00:00:00
09. Add Button Click Listener 00:00:00
10. Display The Highscores 00:00:00
11. Clear Button And Testing 00:00:00
12. Fix Read Method 00:00:00

About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Android users
  • App developers
  • UI/UX designers

What you’ll learn: 

  • Learn how to use Android Studio
  • Discover a new skill to enhance your current career
  • Hone your employable skills


  • No prior knowledge is required to take this course 

Software version used in the course:

  • Android Studio

Learn how to use Android Studio with this amazing course!

This course is project-based so you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course, you will have real-world apps to use in your portfolio. We feel that project-based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical, employable skills immediately.

John Bura has created many games, apps and training courses so he is extremely qualified to teach you how to master technology. This is an instructor that does not only teach, he produces apps. This means you get the most relevant information on how to code. Most courses do not show you practical skills and real-world examples.

Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have a clear understanding of how to code using Java in Android Studio.

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today and learn how to code using Java in Android Studio!

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Variables
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Integer Variables 00:00:00
03. Decimal Number Variables 00:00:00
04. Constants And Division Examples 00:00:00
05. String Variables 00:00:00
06. Convert Strings To Numbers And Formatting 00:00:00
07. Boolean Variables 00:00:00
Section 2 - If Statements
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Setup Condition 00:00:00
03. If Else 00:00:00
04. Nested If Statements 00:00:00
05. Nested If Else And Chain Of Else If 00:00:00
06. And Or Logical Operators 00:00:00
07. Negation Logical Operators 00:00:00
08. Parity Check Condition 00:00:00
Section 3 - Arrays
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Declare And Initialize Integer Arrays 00:00:00
03. For Travers And Sort Integer Arrays 00:00:00
04. Declare And Initialize Decimal Number Arrays 00:00:00
05. For Each Traverse And Sort Decimal Number Arrays 00:00:00
06. Declare And Initialize Character Arrays 00:00:00
07. Traverse And Sort Character Arrays 00:00:00
08. Declare And Initialize String Arrays 00:00:00
09. Split String Into Arrays, Traverse And Insensitive Case Sort 00:00:00
10. Traverse And Sort Arrays Of Booleans 00:00:00
Section 4 - Basic Functions
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Basic Workflow 00:00:00
03. Methods That Return Voids 00:00:00
04. Methods That Return Int 00:00:00
05. Methods That Return Floats And Doubles 00:00:00
06. Methods That Return Characters 00:00:00
07. Methods That Return Strings 00:00:00
08. Methods That Return Booleans 00:00:00
Section 5 - Advanced Functions
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Static Methods 00:00:00
03. Access Modifiers 00:00:00
04. Override Methods 00:00:00
05. Final Methods 00:00:00
06. Overloading Methods 00:00:00
07. Methods That Returns Arrays 00:00:00
08. Methods That Take Arrays As Parameters 00:00:00
09. Abstract Methods 00:00:00
Section 6 - Simple Calculator
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Setup Layout 00:00:00
03. Adjust Spaces 00:00:00
04. Customize Edit Texts 00:00:00
05. Customize Buttons 00:00:00
06. Customize Result Text View 00:00:00
07. GUI Adjustments 00:00:00
08. Download Custom Fonts 00:00:00
09. Declare And Initialize Elements 00:00:00
10. Apply Fonts 00:00:00
11. Get Input 00:00:00
12. Compute, Format And Display Results 00:00:00
13. Animate Buttons 00:00:00
Section 7 - Savings Calculator
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Drag And Drop Elements 00:00:00
03. Change Text On Screen 00:00:00
04. Change Element IDs 00:00:00
05. Align Text To Center 00:00:00
06. Change Color Theme 00:00:00
07. Change App Theme 00:00:00
08. Change Font Sizes 00:00:00
09. Define New Color Scheme 00:00:00
10. Reference Color Variables 00:00:00
11. Download New Fonts 00:00:00
12. Create Assets Folder 00:00:00
13. Apply Fonts 00:00:00
14. Setup Seekbar 00:00:00
15. Setup Edit Text 00:00:00
16. Setup Reset Button 00:00:00
17. Fixing Bugs 00:00:00
Section 8 - Tip Calculator
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Drag And Drop Elements 00:00:00
03. Change Text And Element IDs 00:00:00
04. Remove Action Bar 00:00:00
05. Expand Elements 00:00:00
06. Center Elements 00:00:00
07. Adjust Margins 00:00:00
08. Adjust Font Sizes 00:00:00
09. Create Color Scheme 00:00:00
10. Set Background Color And Title 00:00:00
11. Design Edit Text 00:00:00
12. Design Seekbar And Related Views 00:00:00
13. Design Reset Button And Result View 00:00:00
14. Setup Meal Cost 00:00:00
15. Setup Seekbar 00:00:00
16. Setup Reset Button 00:00:00
Section 9 - Star Animation
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Add Image View Inside A New Frame 00:00:00
03. Download Google Design Icons 00:00:00
04. Create Animation List In Drawable XML 00:00:00
05. Reference XML File In Java 00:00:00
06. Toggle Animation Visibility 00:00:00
07. Customize Action Bar 00:00:00
08. Setup Different Color Scheme 00:00:00
09. Setup Custom Fonts 00:00:00
10. Change Default Text On Screen 00:00:00
11. Setup Fade Effect Animation 00:00:00
12. Setup Self Rotate Animation 00:00:00
13. Setup Circle Rotate Animation 00:00:00
14. Set Animations To Loop Indefinitely 00:00:00
15. Adjust Image Size And Vertical Pivot 00:00:00
Section 10 - Simple Score Counter
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Drag And Drop Widgets On Screen 00:00:00
03. Setup Text Displayed And IDs 00:00:00
04. Customize Title 00:00:00
05. Change Color Scheme 00:00:00
06. Reference Color Variables 00:00:00
07. Declare And Reference Dimension Variables 00:00:00
08. Declare And Initialize Variables 00:00:00
09. Setup Count Button Functionality 00:00:00
10. Setup Reset Button Functionality 00:00:00
11. Setup Fade Animation On Count 00:00:00
12. Setup Rotate Animation On Reset 00:00:00
Section 11 - Hangman
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Setup Layout 00:00:00
03. Change Default Text And IDs 00:00:00
05. Setup Space 00:00:00
06. Change Text Size 00:00:00
07. Change Color Scheme 00:00:00
08. Customize Title 00:00:00
09. Design Adjustments 00:00:00
10. Declare Variables 00:00:00
11. Initialize Variables 00:00:00
12. Text File Database 00:00:00
13. Game Functionality 00:00:00
14. Letter Reveal 00:00:00
15. Display Word 00:00:00
16. On Text Changed Listener 00:00:00
17. Check if Letter Typed Functionality 00:00:00
18. Letter Typed Wrong Functionality 00:00:00
19. Tries Left 00:00:00
20. Setup Reset Button 00:00:00
21. Rotate Animation 00:00:00
22. Scale Animation 00:00:00
23. Game Over Animations 00:00:00
Section 12 - Google Maps
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. The API Key 00:00:00
03. Address List And Geocoder 00:00:00
04. Names And Coordinates 00:00:00
05. Set Markers 00:00:00
06. Setup Map Type 00:00:00
07. Setup Camera Change Listener 00:00:00
08. Map Click Marker 00:00:00
09. Custom Marker 00:00:00
10. Marker Color 00:00:00
11. Camera Animation 00:00:00
12. Iteractive Markers 00:00:00
Section 13 - Days Left Wear
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Check For Updates 00:00:00
03. Create Virtual Devices 00:00:00
04. Drag And Drop Elements On Round Screen 00:00:00
05. Change Color Scheme 00:00:00
06. Change IDs And Other Adjustments 00:00:00
07. Declare Variables 00:00:00
08. Initialize Variables 00:00:00
09. Setup Number Picker For Year 00:00:00
10. Setup Number Picker For Month 00:00:00
11. Setup Number Picker For Day 00:00:00
12. Create Display Days Left 00:00:00
13. Testing The App On Two Emulators 00:00:00
Section 14 - Quotes
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Initial Interface Setup 00:00:00
03. XML Dimension Variables 00:00:00
04. Slight Interface Adjustments 00:00:00
05. Creating The Quotes 00:00:00
06. Declare Variables 00:00:00
07. Java Functionalities 00:00:00
08. DisplayNewQuote Method 00:00:00
Section 15 - Map Travel
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Position Elements 00:00:00
03. Clean Up The Display 00:00:00
04. Changed Color Scheme 00:00:00
05. Initializing Variables For Animations 00:00:00
Section 16 - Caffeine Calculator
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Position Elements 00:00:00
03. Customize The GUI 00:00:00
04. Customize Colors 00:00:00
05. Reference Color And Dimension Variables 00:00:00
06. Change Text Displayed And IDs 00:00:00
07. Some Adjustments 00:00:00
08. Set Up The Spinner 00:00:00
09. Set Up The Spinner In Java 00:00:00
10. Variables And The Seekbar 00:00:00
11. Display Caffeine Amount 00:00:00
Section 17 - Canadian Sales Tax Calculator
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Placing Widgets 00:00:00
03. Declare The Dimension Variables 00:00:00
04. Text And Action Bar 00:00:00
05. Change IDs And Text Displayed 00:00:00
06. Change Color Scheme 00:00:00
07. Create Layout For Spinner 00:00:00
08. Java Variables 00:00:00
09. Create Province Enumeration 00:00:00
10. Set Up The Province List 00:00:00
11. Seekbar And Total Cost 00:00:00
Section 18 - Country Info
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Adding The Widgets 00:00:00
03. Customize Title 00:00:00
04. Change IDs 00:00:00
05. Change Color Scheme 00:00:00
06. Create Spinner Layout 00:00:00
07. Create Country Enumeration 00:00:00
08. Language And Details 00:00:00
09. Set Countries On Spinners 00:00:00
Section 19 - Pet Store
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Position The Elements 00:00:00
03. Color And Dimensions 00:00:00
04. Text And Element IDs 00:00:00
05. Action Bar, Text Style And Gravity 00:00:00
06. Appache POI Library 00:00:00
07. Create And Populate Excel File 00:00:00
08. Create The Pet Class 00:00:00
09. Declare And Initialize Variables 00:00:00
10. The Spinner Listener 00:00:00
11. Design The Spinner 00:00:00
12. Input From Excel 00:00:00
13. A Few Adjustments 00:00:00
Section 20 - Highscores
01. Introduction 00:00:00
02. Position The Elements 00:00:00
03. Dimension And Color Resources 00:00:00
04. Referencing The Variables 00:00:00
05. Action Bar, Text And IDs 00:00:00
06. Style And Alignment 00:00:00
07. Declare And Initialize Variables 00:00:00
08. Write To A File 00:00:00
09. Add Button Click Listener 00:00:00
10. Display The Highscores 00:00:00
11. Clear Button And Testing 00:00:00
12. Fix Read Method 00:00:00

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