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Hosting Static Websites On Amazon S3
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Master the art of cheap, secure, and scalable Amazon S3-based static website hosting. Start the course now and build your website like a pro!

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David Clinton is an AWS Solutions Architect and a Linux server administrator. He has written about and published training material (including books with Wiley/Sybex, Bootstrap IT, and Manning, and online courses on Pluralsight and Udemy) for many cutting edge technology subjects including Linux systems, Cloud Computing (in particular Amazon's AWS), container technologies like containers, data analytics, and DevOps tools.

About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Individuals looking to build a secure, robust, inexpensive, and (relatively) easy-to-manage website to be hosted on the Amazon S3 storage platform within their own AWS accounts

What you’ll learn: 

  • Create and configure an Amazon S3 bucket and push content to it using the AWS CLI
  • Use AWS Route 53 to create a domain (or subdomain) for your Amazon S3 static website
  • Create a CloudFront distribution to enable low-latency CDN access
  • Request and deploy a (free) encryption certificate to ensure secure TLS/SSL access to your site
  • Create and upload site content using the Hugo static website generator


  • Learners should have their own AWS accounts and a very basic familiarity with their use – especially Amazon S3.
  • They should also have basic familiarity with a command line tool (PowerShell, Bash, Terminal, etc.) used by the OS on their personal computers.

You’ve got a website project that needs building, but it can’t just be any old website. This one absolutely must be fast, secure, reliable and, ideally, it shouldn’t cost much. If your project will work as a static website, then you’re in luck.

Building secure static websites on public cloud platforms like Amazon S3 (AWS) can be the solution to many problems: they can cost next to nothing, will pretty much never be unavailable, and can provide a surprisingly wide range of features. The only real downside is that there’s a bit of a learning curve you’ll have to climb to get it done.

In this self-paced course, you’ll learn how to build your own secure and highly-available static website on the Amazon S3 platform. The video demos will show you exactly how every step in the process works. Naturally, you’re strongly encouraged to dive in to design and deploy a static site for yourself.

You’ll also learn how to:

  • Create an AWS S3 bucket with secure permissions
  • Use the popular Hugo static website generator to turn your HTML and other resources into a professional site
  • Generate a free website encryption certificate using AWS Certificate Manager
  • Deploy a global CDN distribution for your site using Amazon CloudFront
  • Automate the deployment of content updates

Whether you’re responsible for hosting static websites supporting enterprise-level content stores, or you’re just looking for a way to quickly throw together a simple Hello World project, an Amazon S3-based static website might be a perfect match.

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have learned to build an Amazon S3-based static website.

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today!

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Understanding The Static Website Universe
What The Course Is All About 00:00:00
What Is A Static Website And Why Would You Want One? 00:00:00
Section 2 - Building A Static Website On S3
How It Is Going To Work 00:00:00
Create An S3 Bucket 00:00:00
Section 3 - Optimizing Website Security And Performance
Creating A Route 53 Domain And A CloudFront Distribution 00:00:00
Updating Content 00:00:00
Test Yourself Unlimited
Section 4 - Working With The Hugo Static Site Generator
Getting Hugo Working 00:00:00
Adding Content 00:00:00
Course Summary 00:00:00
Test Yourself Unlimited
Section 5 - Notes, Links, And Code Snippets
Downloadable Resources – Notes, Links, And Code Snippets 00:00:00

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