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Podcast Made Easy: Learn How To Make A Podcast
5.0( 1 REVIEWS )
8h 13m

Learn how to make a podcast. From recording to production, discover the steps to create your own successful podcast!

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Time Estimate
8h 13m


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About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Individuals with no previous experience in podcasting
  • Those who have always wondered how to create a podcast and are eager to learn
  • Future podcast hosts and executive producers
  • Individuals who have a message they want to share with the world
  • Ideal for speakers, coaches, authors, NGOs/non-profits, small businesses, SOHO, solopreneurs, and local businesses
  • Particularly beneficial for instructors looking to attract more students
  • Entrepreneurs seeking to generate new leads for their business

What you’ll learn: 

  • How to Start a Podcast: Discover the step-by-step process of launching your podcast. We’ll guide you through choosing a podcast format, planning your episodes, and utilizing podcast directories and platforms to maximize your reach.
  • Apple Podcasts and Beyond: Learn how to optimize your podcast for Apple Podcasts, the leading podcast app. We’ll also explore other popular podcast platforms and directories to ensure your podcast reaches a wider audience.
  • Recording and Editing your podcast episodes: Master the art of recording professional-grade audio for your podcast. We’ll cover essential recording techniques, recommended recording equipment, and provide tips on editing your episodes for optimal audio quality.
  • Podcast Topics and Format: Uncover strategies for selecting compelling podcast topics and structuring your episodes to engage your listeners. We’ll show you how to brainstorm ideas, conduct research, and ensure your podcast remains engaging and relevant.
  • Podcast Production Process: Gain insights into the podcast production process. We’ll start from audio editing and post-production to finalizing your episodes for distribution. Learn how to enhance your podcast’s sound quality and create a polished final product.
  • Growing Your Audience: Discover effective strategies for promoting your podcast and attracting podcast listeners. We’ll explore social media tactics, leveraging podcast directories, and engaging with your audience to foster growth and increase your podcast’s popularity.


  • A strong desire to learn how to start a podcast
  • Knowledge of file organization, especially for storing audio files
  • Basic understanding of the internet, including web browsing, email, and form submission
  • All instructions provided in this course are applicable to various recording equipment and software, ensuring compatibility with your setup.
  • Knowing the topic you want to podcast about is beneficial, as it will help you navigate the process more efficiently. However, if you’re still undecided, we’ll provide guidance on finding popular podcast topics within your niche to ensure a successful podcast.

Learn from a Successful Podcaster:

Join this course and gain insights from an experienced podcaster who has successfully launched and produced multiple popular podcasts. Benefit from their expertise and learn from their real-world experiences, enabling you to navigate the podcasting landscape with confidence.

To learn more about podcasting, you could also take the course Podcast Storytelling Masterclass.

Our Promise to You
By the end of this course, you will have learned how to produce a professional podcast.

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today and learn how to start podcast!

About the Instructor:

Scott Paton

Scott Paton has been podcasting since the spring of 2005. He has executive produced and/or co-hosted over 35 podcasts. An internationally renowned speaker, Scott has presented to audiences from London, England to Sydney, Australia, from Vancouver, BC to New York, NY, from LA to Rwanda. Thousands of entrepreneurs and NGO’s have changed their public engagement strategies based on Scott’s sharing. We hope you will, too!

In late 2014, one of his clients inspired him to make a video course on Podcasting. After his course went live, Scott told his clients and many decided to make courses but needed help, so he has become a co-instructor with them, while continuing to support and build his own courses. His co-topics all include areas of life-long learning by Scott, including Stock Options Trading, Alternative Health, EFT, and Relationships.

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - What Is Podcasting And Why Should You Podcast?
Introduction 00:00:00
Dedication 00:00:00
What Is Podcasting? 00:00:00
Why Should You Podcast? 00:00:00
One Billion Podcast Subscribers 00:00:00
A Podcast Icon On 650 Mobile Million Devices 00:00:00
Podcasts And New Cars 00:00:00
Podcasts Are Forever 00:00:00
The “10,000 Hours” Lie 00:00:00
Section 2 - Setting Up Your Podcast Show
Introduction 00:00:00
Scott’s Power Podcast Hosting Solution 00:00:00
Set Up Your Podcast Host/Producer Information 00:00:00
Set Up Your Podcast Show 00:00:00
Title, Description And Popular Keywords For Your Show 00:00:00
Podcast Album Art 00:00:00
Save Time Making Episodes – Use Snippets! 00:00:00
Editing Snippet Title, Show Title And Episode Titles 00:00:00
What To Do If You Have A Problem With MPW 00:00:00
Power Podcast Worksheet: Your Checklist Before Starting Your Podcast 00:00:00
Section 3 - Creating Your MP3 Audio For Your Podcast
Introduction 00:00:00
Recording Audio Options: Microphones 00:00:00
My Newest Microphone: The Blue Yeti 00:00:00
Intros And Extros 00:00:00
Using Skype To Conduct Interviews Around The World 00:00:00
Using Call Recorder To Record Audio On Skype (Mac Only) 00:00:00
Using Garageband To Edit Your Podcast Audios 00:00:00
Section 4 - Setting Up Your First Podcast Episode
Introduction 00:00:00
Decide On Your Episode Topic(s) 00:00:00
Post Your First Power Podcast Episode 00:00:00
Original Raw, Unedited Hangout With Mark Timberlake (Part One Of Two) 00:00:00
Original Raw, Unedited Hangout With Mark Timberlake (Part Two Of Two) 00:00:00
Finished Audio Podcast Of Mark And Scott’s Hangout 00:00:00
Power Podcast Episode Worksheet 00:00:00
Section 5 - Submitting Your Power Podcast To iTunes And Google Play Podcast Directories
Introduction 00:00:00
What’s An RSS Feed? 00:00:00
PIngOmatic 00:00:00
Tour Of iTunes 00:00:00
Advanced Bonus Lecture: Feedburner For Power Podcasters 00:00:00
Submit Your RSS Feed To iTunes 00:00:00
Submit To Google’s Podcast Directory 00:00:00
Section 6 - Podcast Marketing Basics
Podcasts Are Permanent 00:00:00
Publicize Your Power Podcast On YouTube, Facebook And Twitter 00:00:00
Podcast Success Story – 400,000 Downloads 00:00:00
Social Media And Google Plus: A Conversation With Mark Timberlake Part 1 00:00:00
Social Media And Google Plus: A Conversation With Mark Timberlake Part 2 00:00:00
Podcasting: The Power Networking Tool 1 00:00:00
Podcasting: The Power Networking Tool 2 00:00:00
Section 7 - Power Voice Coaching
Introduction 00:00:00
The Power Of Your Voice 00:00:00
Put Your Best Voice Forward 1 (Plus Audio Download) 00:00:00
Put Your Best Voice Forward 2 (Plus Audio Download) 00:00:00
Put Your Best Voice Forward 3 (Plus Audio Download) 00:00:00
Section 8 - Q And A And Podcasting News
How Did I Make That Selfie Video Look So Good? 00:00:00
Student Question About Email And Podcasting 00:00:00
Other Podcast Hosting Options 00:00:00
Section 9 - Alternative Podcast Hosting: Libsyn
What Is Libsyn? 00:00:00
Libsyn Pricing 00:00:00
Libsyn Pro 00:00:00
Can You ‘Charge’ Listeners For Your Show? Yes! 00:00:00
Libsyn Sign Up Process 00:00:00
Setting Up Your Show 00:00:00
Formatting Your RSS Feed And iTunes Submission 00:00:00
Posting Your First Episode 00:00:00
Summary 00:00:00
Libsyn PDF Podcast 101 Workbook 00:00:00
Section 10 - Podcast Outsourcing
Outsourcing With PodAssist 00:00:00
Bonus Lecture: Done For You Podcasting And Write A Bestseller At The Same Time 00:00:00

Course Review


1 Ratings
  1. Anonymous



    Great source of inspiration and information.


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