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Functional Programming In JavaScript
4.5( 2 REVIEWS )
6h 27m

This course is designed for those interested to learn functional programming in JavaScript, the difference between an OOP approach and a functional approach, and the concepts plus techniques critical to understanding functional programming.

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Course Skill Level
Time Estimate
6h 27m


I have had 20+ years experience in training and product development. I am currently the President and Lead Trainer of All Things JavaScript.

About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • JavaScript developers that want to learn functional programming techniques and concepts.

What you’ll learn: 

  • Functional programming techniques you can apply right now
  • Concepts that define a functional programming approach
  • The difference between an OOP approach and a functional approach in JavaScript
  • JavaScript libraries such a Lodash and Ramda that support a functional approach
  • Techniques such as currying, cloning and composition done using vanilla JavaScript
  • JavaScript concepts critical to understanding functional programming
  • Declarative programming


  • An intermediate level of JavaScript. You need to feel comfortable reading and writing JavaScript code.

In this course, you’ll learn the definition of functional programming and why it was used as the structure of the course. We will break it down into pieces, and focus on those pieces and the techniques you can use right away. Each new concept will build on the previous concepts. And in the end, you will see all the concepts come together.

The functional programming paradigm will be difficult at first to grasp and implement. But with the help of this course, you’ll make the leap and begin applying functional programming techniques into your own code. In this course, you will learn techniques that you can apply today. But remember, you don’t need to implement everything immediately. Implement those things that make sense and grow into it slowly.

If you learn by doing, this course will give you plenty of chances to work on an exercise and then sit back and watch as I go through the exercise. Jump in today and begin learning functional programming concepts in JavaScript.

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have learned functional programming in JavaScript and understand its concepts.

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today and learn more about functional programming in JavaScript.

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Course Introduction
Introduction 00:00:00
Downloadable Materials 00:00:00
Section 2 - Introduction To Functional Programming
Introducing Functional Programming 00:00:00
Section 3 - Side Effects And Pure Functions
Avoiding Side Effects And Using Pure Functions 00:00:00
Exercise 1 – Start 00:00:00
Exercise 1 – Finish 00:00:00
Exercise 1 – Follow Up: Other Possible Solutions And The Problems 00:00:00
Section 4 - Avoiding Shared State And Mutations
Avoiding Shared State 00:00:00
Avoiding Mutations 00:00:00
Cloning Objects 00:00:00
Exercise 2 – Start 00:00:00
Exercise 2 – Finish 00:00:00
Using Reduce, Map And Filter 00:00:00
Exercise 3 – Start 00:00:00
Exercise 3 – Finish 00:00:00
Exercise 4 – Start 00:00:00
Exercise 4 – Finish 00:00:00
Exercise 4 – Follow Up 00:00:00
Section 5 - Function Composition
Function Composition – Part 1 00:00:00
Arrow Functions 00:00:00
Exercise 5 – Start 00:00:00
Exercise 5 – Finish 00:00:00
Function Composition – Part 2 00:00:00
Exercise 6 – Start 00:00:00
Exercise 6 – Finish 00:00:00
Understanding Arity 00:00:00
Javascript Concepts For Understanding Currying 00:00:00
Deep Dive Into Currying 00:00:00
Dissecting The Curry Function 00:00:00
Exercise 7 – Start 00:00:00
Exercise 7 – Finish 00:00:00
Section 6 - Understanding Declarative Programming
Imperative Versus Declarative Programming 00:00:00
Exercise On Declarative Programming Start 00:00:00
Exercise On Declarative Programming Finish 00:00:00
Section 7 - Functional Programming Example: Comparing Oop To Functional
Functional Programming Example 00:00:00
Example Follow Up 00:00:00
Section 8 - Lodash
Using The Lodash Javascript Library 00:00:00
Exercise 8 – Start 00:00:00
Exercise 8 – Finish 00:00:00
Section 9 - Ramda
Using The Ramda Javascript Library 00:00:00
Exercise 9 – Start 00:00:00
Exercise 9 – Finish 00:00:00
Section 10 - Other Functional Techniques And Articles
Understanding Recursion 00:00:00
Section 11 - Congratulations
Congratulations 00:00:00

Course Review


2 Ratings
  1. Anonymous

    Slow but good


    Instructor talks slowly but has good info, I put it on 2x speed to resolve issue.

  2. Anonymous




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