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Resume Writing (CV) And LinkedIn Profile Optimization
5.0( 16 REVIEWS )
1h 38m

Unlock career success with our course on writing a resume for a career change. Optimize your LinkedIn profile. Get started now!

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Course Skill Level
Time Estimate
1h 38m


Lance creates courses that help people make more money in their jobs, create their first passive income stream, and live their fullest lives. Join me!

About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Are you a busy professional seeking to write a resume for a career change? Or looking to optimize your LinkedIn profile to switch careers?
  • Perhaps you’re a business professional aiming for career advancement, or a student or service professional looking to create an impactful resume and LinkedIn profile.
  • If you’re eager to make your LinkedIn profile work for you, generating passive job inquiries
  • if you’re considering a different career path or aiming to increase your earning potential, this course is tailored to your needs.

What you’ll learn:

  • Short, easy-to-understand lessons suitable for beginners
  • Action items at the end of each lesson to ensure your progress
  • Skills that extend beyond resume writing, providing valuable knowledge for any online business
  • A data-driven SEO approach that delivers real results
  • The capability to stand out to recruiters, entice them to view your profile, and demonstrate your qualifications through a compelling success story
  • At the end of this course, you will have:
  • A professional-level resume worth $1,500, capable of bypassing ATS bots and generating more inquiries
  • A fully optimized LinkedIn profile that positions you higher in recruiter searches
  • The confidence to identify additional keywords that recruiters are searching for, expanding your reach
  • A memorable tagline that attracts recruiter attention and increases profile views
  • A strategically crafted profile/resume that conveys your career trajectory with impactful success stories, utilizing data to secure more interviews


  • A PC or Mac
  • Microsoft Word or comparable

In this course, you will delve into the world of digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) principles. They are the foundation for improving your LinkedIn profile and resume. You will learn how to identify high-value keywords that recruiters use, ensuring that your profile appears in numerous recruiter searches. Discover the strategic placement of these keywords to outperform your peers in search results.

Learn the three essential components of an attention-grabbing tagline that guarantees recruiters will click into your profile every time. Explore the power of a relevant keyword that can boost your profile views by 33%, a tactic not commonly employed. Understand the key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor, enabling you to track and enhance your job search performance effectively.

Avoid the common pitfall of your resume getting filtered out by automated applicant tracking systems (ATS bots), which can eliminate up to 70% of online applications. Transform your work history into a compelling career arc story that clearly communicates your suitability for your target job. Discover the ideal resume format and length tailored to your years of experience, skills, and industry, and uncover the significance of quantifying your achievements.

The ultimate goal is to have your dream job pursue you. If you’re ready to change your approach and embrace a data-driven strategy to make recruiters chase after you, then this course is like no other in the realm of resume writing.

About the Instructor:

I’m a data-driven marketer who has successfully applied SEO tactics to my resume and LinkedIn profile, achieving remarkable results. With my methods, I received multiple recruiter contacts and ultimately secured my dream job as the Head of Marketing at a FinTech startup. I’ve designed this course with your success in mind, offering:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

Put an end to the cycle of repetitive job searches. Join “Flip-the-System,” work smarter, achieve better outcomes, and build the future you desire, one actionable step at a time. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your job search process.

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have learned how to write a resume for a career change and how to optimize your LinkedIn profile.

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today and learn more about writing a resume for a career change.

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Getting Started
Introduction: Data And “Action Items” – It’s Why This Course Is Different 00:00:00
Tracking Your Baseline “90-Day Profile Views” On LinkedIn 00:00:00
Section 2 - Create A Job Search Funnel
Create A Job Search Funnel 00:00:00
2x Your Profile Views With This One Change 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Bonus Item 00:00:00
Section 3 - The Hat Trick Of Job Search "SEO"
The Hat Trick Of Job Search “SEO” 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Bonus Item: Resources 00:00:00
Section 4 - Job Listing Sites You Should Know
Job Listing Sites You Should Know 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Section 5 - Keywords That Recruiters LOVE!
Keywords That Recruiters LOVE! 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Bonus Item 00:00:00
Section 6 - Three Elements Of An Unforgettable Tagline
Three Elements Of An Unforgettable Tagline 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Bonus Item 00:00:00
Section 7 - Photos That Speak 1,000 Keywords
Photos That Speak 1,000 Keywords 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Bonus Item 00:00:00
Section 8 - Gone In 6 Seconds: Intros That Captivate Recruiters
Gone In 6 Seconds: Intros That Captivate Recruiters 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Bonus Item 00:00:00
Section 9 - Work History That Works For You
Work History That Works For You 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Bonus Item 00:00:00
Bonus Item: Resources 00:00:00
Section 10 - Your $1,500 Professional Resume Unleashed
Your $1,500 Professional Resume Unleashed 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Bonus Item 00:00:00
Section 11 - Skills, Verticals, Software And Tools
Skills, Verticals, Software And Tools 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Section 12 - Accomplishments: It's OK To Brag...A Little
Accomplishments: It’s OK To Brag…A Little 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Section 13 - To Endorse Or Not To Endorse
To Endorse Or Not To Endorse 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Section 14 - Your Intellectual Trophy Case
Your Intellectual Trophy Case 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Bonus Item 00:00:00
Section 15 - Recommendations: Give To Get
Recommendations: Give To Get 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Section 16 - Recommendations Worth Recommending
Recommendations Worth Recommending 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Section 17 - Buzzwords: 1 Word = 33% Increase In Profile Views
Buzzwords: 1 Word = 33% Increase In Profile Views 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Section 18 - Groups, Influencers And Companies: You Are The Company You Keep
Groups, Influencers And Companies: You Are The Company You Keep 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Bonus Item 00:00:00
Section 19 - Profile Strength: 100% Complete Or Die
Profile Strength: 100% Complete Or Die 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Section 20 - Connections: We Get By With A Little Help From 500 Friends
Connections: We Get By With A Little Help From 500 Friends 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Section 21 - Watch The Watchers To Win
Watch The Watchers To Win 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Bonus Item 00:00:00
Section 22 - Your Analytics: You Achieve What You Measure
Your Analytics: You Achieve What You Measure 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Section 23 - Your Content Makes You King
Your Content Makes You King 00:00:00
Action Item 00:00:00
Section 24 - Conclusion: Action Is The Key To Mastery
Closing: Our End Is Your Beginning 00:00:00
Final Action Item 00:00:00

Course Review


16 Ratings
  1. Anonymous

    Great information


    Goes over all of the major areas, understanding how things are weighted is helpful. I didn’t realize location was so vital, just updating that moved me from Intermediate to All-Star!

  2. Anonymous
    Niall Tesic-O'Dwyer December 13, 2020 at 08:49 AM

    Added the Polish needed


    I had a good Linkedin Profile, but it was not great. This course helped me view the importance of viewing LinkedIn as an SEO website task while adding depth to the information need to sharpen my profile. It is early days, but I feel more confident in my profile now after this course—the journey continues.

  3. Anonymous


    Hey, Dianne from Philippines. Your course is very helpful in building my linkedIn Account. I’m glad I took this one. Thank you

  4. Anonymous


    Very informative and step-by-step guide. Should be immensely helpful in my current job search.

  5. Anonymous


    The minor details and awesome contents make this course really helpful. I really appreciate the information provided and would definitely implement in building my profile.


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