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The Master Guide To Lodash 4
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4h 46m

Level up your coding game with Lodash 4. Learn complex functions through our detailed, function-by-function methodology.

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Time Estimate
4h 46m


I'm Tim MacLachlan, a full-stack Senior / Lead developer with over 20+ years of commercial development experience including 16+ years of .NET experience. Multi-faceted developer with, blend of full-cycle development, with emphasis on low level, algorithmic, architectural, business intelligence and analytical and mobile development skills. I've written hundred's of applications over the years and worked in a number of industries including Commercial Aviation, Military, Banking/Finance, Reta

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About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Developers with some prior knowledge of Javascript who want to learn more about Lodash
  • Developers with some familiarity of Lodash but want to learn more about it

What you’ll learn:

  • Manipulating Strings in Lodash
  • Manipulating Arrays in Lodash
  • Manipulating Collections in Lodash
  • Math and Number Functions in Lodash
  • Language Functions in Lodash
  • Util and Date Functions in Lodash
  • Manipulating Objects in Lodash
  • Manipulating Functions in Lodash
  • Sequencing And Chaining


  • Prior knowledge of Javascript is assumed. Understanding of arrow functions ES6 concepts
  • Must have taken the course The Beginner’s Guide To Lodash 4

This course picks up from The Beginner’s Guide To Lodash 4 and will cover more complex functions. It will provide an example of more complex functions in Lodash.JS, with all examples and explanations, in a step-by-step, function-by-function method.

I’ve spent days creating this course for you, and hours researching examples. There are not many examples on Lodash out there, so I’ve put in all the effort so that you don’t need to!

This course has been built in a modular way, so you can either learn the functions one by one, or just the ones that you wish to learn more about. You can still become an expert in Lodash, even by following a few modules.

It’s a one-time investment. The course will be updated with more examples and lectures over time!

If you’re serious about becoming an expert at Lodash, then start your journey and master Lodash with this course!

Our Promise to You
By the end of this course, you will have become very sufficient with using Lodash.

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today and learn more about Lodash 4.

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Introduction
Welcome 00:00:00
Is This Course For You? 00:00:00
Why Lodash? 00:00:00
Section 2 - Manipulating Strings In Lodash
Module Introduction 00:00:00
CamelCase, SnakeCase, KebabCase 00:00:00
Deburr 00:00:00
Escape 00:00:00
Unescape 00:00:00
EscapeRegExp 00:00:00
Truncate 00:00:00
Words 00:00:00
Template Part 1 00:00:00
Template Part 2 00:00:00
Template Part 3 00:00:00
Section 3 - Manipulating Arrays In Lodash
Module Introduction 00:00:00
SortedIndexOf, SortedLastIndexOf 00:00:00
SortedIndexBy, SortedLastIndexBy 00:00:00
DropWhile, DropRightWhile 00:00:00
IntersectionBy 00:00:00
IntersectionWith 00:00:00
PullAllBy 00:00:00
PullAllWith 00:00:00
UnionBy 00:00:00
UnionWith 00:00:00
TakeWhile, TakeRightWhile 00:00:00
Chunk 00:00:00
Compact 00:00:00
Remove 00:00:00
Uniq, UniqBy 00:00:00
UniqWith 00:00:00
SortedUniq, SortedUniqBy 00:00:00
Xor 00:00:00
XorBy, XorWith 00:00:00
Without 00:00:00
Difference 00:00:00
DifferenceBy 00:00:00
DifferenceWith 00:00:00
Flatten, FlattenDeep, FlattenDepth 00:00:00
FromPairs 00:00:00
ZipObject 00:00:00
ZipObjectDeep 00:00:00
ZipWith 00:00:00
UnzipWith 00:00:00
Section 4 - Manipulating Collections In Lodash
Module Introduction 00:00:00
EachRight, ForEachRight 00:00:00
SampleSize 00:00:00
CountBy 00:00:00
Partition 00:00:00
Sample 00:00:00
Shuffle 00:00:00
Some, Every 00:00:00
FlatMap, FlatMapDeep, FlatMapDepth 00:00:00
InvokeMap 00:00:00
KeyBy 00:00:00
Reduce, ReduceRight 00:00:00
Section 5 - Math And Number Functions In Lodash
Module Introduction 00:00:00
MinBy, MaxBy 00:00:00
SumBy, MeanBy 00:00:00
Clamp 00:00:00
InRange 00:00:00
Section 6 - Language Functions In Lodash
Module Introduction 00:00:00
IsEqualWith 00:00:00
IsArrayLikeObject 00:00:00
IsElement 00:00:00
IsMap, IsWeakMap, IsSet, IsWeakSet 00:00:00
IsNative 00:00:00
IsSymbol 00:00:00
IsTypedArray 00:00:00
IsMatchWith 00:00:00
ToFinite 00:00:00
IsBuffer, IsArrayBuffer 00:00:00
ToSafeInteger 00:00:00
ConformsTo 00:00:00
CloneDeep 00:00:00
CloneWith 00:00:00
CloneDeepWith 00:00:00
Section 7 - Util And Date Functions In Lodash
Module Introduction 00:00:00
Attempt 00:00:00
Constant 00:00:00
DefaultTo 00:00:00
NoConflict 00:00:00
NoOp 00:00:00
NthArg 00:00:00
Stub 00:00:00
ToPath 00:00:00
Section 8 - Manipulating Objects In Lodash
Module Introduction 00:00:00
Functions 00:00:00
FunctionsIn 00:00:00
Get 00:00:00
Has 00:00:00
HasIn 00:00:00
At 00:00:00
Set 00:00:00
SetWith 00:00:00
Unset 00:00:00
Update 00:00:00
UpdateWith 00:00:00
AssignIn Or Extend 00:00:00
AssignWith 00:00:00
AssignInWith 00:00:00
InvertBy 00:00:00
ValuesIn, KeysIn 00:00:00
ToPairs, Entries 00:00:00
ToPairsIn, EntriesIn 00:00:00
Omit 00:00:00
OmitBy 00:00:00
Defaults, DefaultsDeep 00:00:00
Invoke 00:00:00
Result 00:00:00
ForOwn, ForOwnRight 00:00:00
ForIn, ForInRight 00:00:00
Merge 00:00:00
MergeWith 00:00:00
Transform 00:00:00
Section 9 - Manipulating Functions In Lodash
Module Introduction 00:00:00
Flip 00:00:00
Memorize 00:00:00
Rearg 00:00:00
Negate 00:00:00
Unary 00:00:00
Ary 00:00:00
Bind 00:00:00
BindKey 00:00:00
Spread 00:00:00
Wrap 00:00:00
Curry 00:00:00
CurryRight 00:00:00
Partial 00:00:00
PartialRight 00:00:00
OverArgs 00:00:00
Section 10 - Sequencing And Chaining
Module Introduction 00:00:00
Tap 00:00:00
Thru 00:00:00
Reverse 00:00:00
Commit 00:00:00
At 00:00:00
Symbol Iterator 00:00:00
Plant 00:00:00
Next 00:00:00
Section 11 - Conclusion
You’ve done it! 00:00:00

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