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Past Life Regression Training - An Experiential Course
4.0( 1 REVIEWS )
6h 24m

Uncover past lives & heal present patterns with Past Life Regression Training. Explore memories, talents, & traumas for self-discovery & a happier you.

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Course Skill Level
Time Estimate
6h 24m


An educator, Hypnotist, NLP trainer, Business consultant, much-sought-after speaker, successful entrepreneur and a peak performance consultant to organizations, individuals and professional sports teams. He inspires and informs people, helping them to realize their true potential. He has taken his dynamic personal messages all over the country and abroad. His common sense approach and deeply held beliefs have motivated thousands to re-evaluate their attitudes. His 46 years of resear

About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • This course is perfect for individuals interested in past life regression training and past life therapy training, seeking to explore their past lives and gain insight into their present experiences.

What you’ll learn: 

  • Experience vivid memories of one of your past lives
  • Engage in powerful meditation techniques for past life progression and present life regression
  • Identify talents and abilities from your past life
  • Gain understanding through exploring a parallel life to your present one


  • No prior knowledge is required to take this course

Course Overview:

Embark on a journey to uncover your past lives and understand how they shape your present reality. Led by experienced instructor Mr. Pradeep Aggarwal, this past life regression training is designed to guide you through 21 days of immersive exploration and self-discovery.

Why Past Life Regression:

Our souls carry experiences, fears, and patterns from one life to another. Past life regression therapy provides you with the opportunity to heal past traumas, clear blockages, and unlock inner strength for a happier, more fulfilling present life.

What This Course Covers:

Each day of the course is structured to deepen your understanding and experience of past life regression. Highlights include:

  • Introduction to the course and achieving an alpha state
  • Preparation exercises for past life regression
  • Exploring past life memories and their impact on your current life
  • Healing past traumas and replacing them with inner strength
  • Understanding pre-birth planning and soul connections
  • Discovering talents, abilities, and fears from past lives
  • Balancing chakras and self-exploration techniques
  • Healing exercises for physical and emotional well-being
  • Exploring parallel lives and unconditional love

Start this journey to unlock the mysteries of your past and embrace a brighter future with this comprehensive past life regression training.

Our Promise to You

By the end of this course, you will have experienced past life regression.

10 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, simply contact us and we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Get started today!

Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Introduction
Introduction 00:00:00
Audio 00:00:00
Section 2 - Past Life Regression Experiential Training
Instruction To Be Followed 00:00:00
1st Preparation Exercise 00:00:00
2nd Preparation Exercise 00:00:00
3rd Preparation Exercise 00:00:00
First Past Life Regression 00:00:00
Door Opening 00:00:00
Door Opening 2 00:00:00
Do’s & Don’ts 00:00:00
Unseen Forces 00:00:00
Experience 00:00:00
Instructions To Be Taken Care 00:00:00
Back To The Cause 00:00:00
Back To The Cause Guided Meditation 00:00:00
Instructions To Be Taken Care Of 00:00:00
Past Life Affecting Your Current Life 00:00:00
Past Life Affecting Current Life Meditation 00:00:00
Instructions To Be Taken Care Of 00:00:00
Past Life Involvement With Your Soulmate Or Lover 00:00:00
Past Life Involvement With Your Soulmate Or Lover Guided 00:00:00
Instructions To Be Taken Care Of 00:00:00
Pre Birth Planning 00:00:00
Pre Birth Planning Guided Meditation 00:00:00
Instructions 00:00:00
Talents And Abilities From Past Life 00:00:00
Talents And Abilities From Past Life Guided Meditation 00:00:00
Instructions 00:00:00
Life Between Lives 00:00:00
Life Between Lives Guided Meditation 00:00:00
Instructions 00:00:00
Present Life Progression 00:00:00
Present Life Progression Guided Meditation 00:00:00
Instruction 00:00:00
Future Life Progression 00:00:00
Future Life Progression Guided Meditation 00:00:00
Instructions 00:00:00
Chakra Balancing And Energizing 00:00:00
Chakra Balancing And Energizing Guided Meditation 00:00:00
Self Exploration Healing 00:00:00
Self Exploration Healing Guided Meditation 00:00:00
Healing – Hand Warming Technique 00:00:00
Healing – Hand Warming Technique Guided 00:00:00
Parallel Life To Your Present Life 00:00:00
Parallel Life To Your Present Life Guided Meditation 00:00:00
Instructions 00:00:00
Fears From The Past Life 00:00:00
Fears From The Past Life Guided 00:00:00
Unconditional Love 00:00:00
Unconditional Love Guided 00:00:00
Instructions 00:00:00

Course Review


1 Ratings
  1. Anonymous




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