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Nitesh Gurnani


30 Students
5 Courses
3.5 Average Score Rating

Instructor Profile

Nitesh Gurnani is the Founder of ChehraSpeaks & Life Lover who has been featured across international Media as an entrepreneurial Face Reader and Physiognomist. Nitesh Gurnani has a mission to impact 1 Billion people to lead a balanced life both personally and professionally. His platform empowers people to tap into their inner potential, conducting compatibility and career readings as well as offering empowerment coaching. His personal experience extends over 9 years, however, he founded ChehraSpeaks, not until 2017. He is driven by the passion to enable people, personally and professionally to improve their lives by giving them the ingredients to harness their inner power by an elaborate understanding of their own personalities. Nitesh analyses your potential as a human starting from your personality to predicting the level of your leadership abilities paying attention to detail of your face and reading between the lines. After practising face readings from 2012, he believes now is the time to give back for the extension of this beautiful art that can change lives, improve relationships, and more of all brings the best out of you to be in truest sync with your personality. Apart from face reading, he is a great student of life and believes that each one of us here is meant to impact and improve lives. Sharing our lives, our wisdom is the way to give back and to become better. I am doing my beautiful bit :)


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