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Learn Critical Thinking With Emotional Intelligence
5.0( 2 REVIEWS )
1h 58m

Explore and recognise thinking styles in problem solving and decision making, the role of emotions in learning, thinking distortions and much, much more.

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Time Estimate
1h 58m


Hi. My name is Robin Hills. I am an emotional intelligence coach, trainer and facilitator with over 35 years business and commercial experience.

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About This Course

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone keen to develop their thinking skills
  • Anyone who is interested in a deeper understanding of why emotional intelligence is a key component of critical thinking
  • Anyone who wants to build upon their understanding of themselves and how to work better with other people
  • Anyone with an interest in more information about the use and application of emotional intelligence with a business focus

What you’ll learn:

  • Describe how emotional intelligence and critical thinking work together
  • Differentiate between the two thinking systems and their impact on your emotional intelligence
  • Identify with unconscious bias and thinking distortions and recognise how they influence thinking
  • Determine ways that you can improve your critical thinking
  • Develop ways that you can work to improve your critical thinking


  • A basic understanding of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence has been identified as a fundamental leadership skill in the 2020’s.
Using emotional information appropriately builds relations and supports critical thinking and problem solving. Decisions are confidently made that are ethical, authentic and empathetic.

Critical thinking refers to the ability to analyse information objectively and make a reasoned judgement. Good critical thinking involves the evaluation of sources, such as data, facts, observable phenomena, and research findings. Good critical thinking also considers unconscious bias and how this impacts upon logical thinking and systems thinking.

Critical thinking and problem solving abilities are among the most sought-after skills in almost every industry and workplace.

Often thinking is considered separate from emotions, but good critical thinkers use emotional intelligence to draw reasonable conclusions from a range of information sources determining what is useful and what isn’t.
Using emotional intelligence as a part of critical thinking means that the impact of this thinking is considered with empathy.

Critical thinking is often confined to systems thinking, but to be an effective critical thinker involves understanding how emotions can help and hinder thinking processes. This course explores the connection between critical thinking skills and emotional intelligence skills considering how they can be applied to strategic thinking skills in pragmatic and applicable ways. Combining critical thinking with emotional intelligence makes for a powerful combination.

Although the course is based on scientific research, it does not go into detail around the research. We explore the concepts in a straightforward, pragmatic manner to understand what they mean and how they are applied in the workplace.

Underpinning critical thinking skills is your cognitive bias – your unconscious bias. Self-paced online programmes are widely regarded as one of the most accessible, and effective forms of building awareness about unconscious bias in the workplace. The course investigates unconscious bias to develop your awareness. Training in unconscious bias will not mean that you will not have biases. They will remain, by definition, unconscious. The course seeks to build your awareness of their existence and highlights when to look out for them.

This is not an introductory course on emotional intelligence. There are many courses by a range of good instructors that explain some of the fundamental basics of emotional intelligence. This course explores emotional intelligence at a deeper level exploring its application to critical thinking.

Completing the course (including the practical activities) will give you the understanding and capabilities to meet future requirements of leadership as markets and industries evolve over the next few years.

Our Promise to You
By the end of this course, you will have learned how to use emotional information in intelligent ways.

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Course Curriculum

Section 1 - Introduction To The Course
Introduction To Critical Thinking With Emotional Intelligence 00:00:00
Critical Thinking With Emotional Intelligence – Learning Outcomes 00:00:00
Defining Emotional Intelligence And How Critical Thinking Was Involved 00:00:00
Thinking About Thinking 00:00:00
Speaking In Emotionally Intelligent Ways 00:00:00
Section 2 - Practical Activity - Reflecting About This Course
Reflecting About This Course 00:00:00
Section 3 - Decisions, Decisions! Critical Thinking, Emotional Intelligence And Decisions
Critical Thinking And Criticism 00:00:00
Thinking And The 4 Styles Of Decision Making 00:00:00
Thinking And Decision Making – Directive 00:00:00
Thinking And Decision Making – Behavioural 00:00:00
Thinking And Decision Making – Conceptual 00:00:00
Thinking And Decision Making – Analytical 00:00:00
Personality And Emotional Intelligence In Decision Making 00:00:00
Quiz – Critically Thinking About The Way You Use Your Emotional Intelligence 00:00:00
Section 4 - Thinking About Thinking
Exploring The Concept Of Critical Thinking 00:00:00
Critical Thinking And Emotional Intelligence 00:00:00
What Thinking Is All About 00:00:00
The Myths About Left Brain And Right Brain Thinking 00:00:00
Thinking Capabilities 00:00:00
Improving Critical Thinking 00:00:00
The Role Of Emotions In Learning 00:00:00
The Two Thinking Systems – Fast And Slow 00:00:00
Section 5 - Unconscious Bias
Values And Bias 00:00:00
Investigating Unconscious Bias 00:00:00
Measuring Unconscious Bias 00:00:00
Working With Your Unconscious Bias 00:00:00
Section 6 - Thoughtless Thinking - Thinking Distortions And Cognitive Biases
Thoughtless Thinking Introduction 00:00:00
Always Being Right And Jumping To Conclusions 00:00:00
Some Common Fallacies 00:00:00
Some Common Generalisations 00:00:00
Expectation Biases 00:00:00
Distortions Influenced By Emotion 00:00:00
Critical Distortions Around Thinking 00:00:00
Dealing With Cognitive Biases And Thinking Distortions 00:00:00
Section 7 - Critical Thinking And Active Listening
Introduction To The Active Listening Quiz 00:00:00
Active Listening Quiz 00:00:00
Active Listening Quiz Results 00:00:00
Active Listening And Assumptions 00:00:00
Section 8 - Developing Critical Thinking With Emotional Intelligence
Critical Thinking Questions 00:00:00
Critical Thinking Cheat Sheet 00:00:00
Further Thoughts Around Critical Thinking 00:00:00
Critical Thinking Steps And Course Review 00:00:00
Practical Activity – Three Good Things 00:00:00
Section 9 - Practical Activity - Exercises In Critical Thinking
An Exercise In Critical Thinking 00:00:00
An Exercise In Critical Thinking (Answers) 00:00:00
Section 10 - Advanced Emotional Intelligence
An Advanced Emotional Intelligence Quiz 00:00:00

Course Review


2 Ratings
  1. Anonymous

    Very Good Course


    Excellent information. Well put together

  2. Anonymous
    Christopher Beaver September 13, 2022 at 09:43 AM



    Great course!


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