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Instructor Profile

Dr. Kevin S. Hairston is a pastor, author, motivational speaker, adjunct professor, and leadership mentor with over 30 years of non-profit and corporate experience. A native of Columbus, Ohio, Dr. Hairston graduated from Independence High School before going on to receive a degree in Political Science from Ohio State University. He later earned his Master’s Degree in Theological Studies from Trinity Lutheran Seminary, followed by his Doctorate of Ministry from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. Dr. Hairston has served in various roles in leadership training and mentoring. He had the honor of serving as the Dean for the Ohio Leadership Academy, taking an active role in developing ministers as well as church laypeople. As a certified John Maxwell leadership trainer, he has conducted leadership development workshops across the country. His workshops and seminars have included training on diversity, women and people of color in leadership, biblical stewardship, and marriage. Over the last several years he has authored several books "Marriage Bootcamp", "Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling", Why Do Men Hide Behind Trees", Intentional Diversity", "The Power of Forgiveness", "Cradle Games", and "Think Like a Woman, Act Like a Woman, & Lead Like a Woman". Among his many community roles, Dr. Hairston serves as executive director of several community development corporations, Vice-President of a real estate investment group, and statewide director for a national non-profit organization. He currently serves as the lead pastor and founder of Living Word Bible Fellowship in Columbus, Ohio.


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